Out and About
Out & About is the premium country clothing retailer within Tuckwells, an agricultural client we have a long and successful history of working with. The Out & About website was in serious need of a redesign and we took the opportunity to make some big improvements.
- Fix the user experience
- Integrate the site with Ibcos Gold
- Improve the mobile experience
- Reduce admin time

The problem
The old Out and About website was creating a significant business challenge for Tuckwells. The site resembled a brochure site rather than an eCommerce fashion site and as a result, was not generating the sales it needed to. User experience was poor due to a broken search function and the site was unresponsive on mobile.
As well as being challenging for users, it was admin intensive for the Out and About team as their stock management system was not properly integrated with their website and so they were left having to upload product information in multiple places.

Our designers mapped out the user flows and created wireframes that would provide a seamless journey for the user from entering the site to buying a product.
We approached the design mobile-first, building on insight provided by Out and About that highlighted that the majority of their users visited the site on mobile. Restructuring the site and creating an easy-to-use search and filter function makes it easy for users to find the products and brand they are looking for.
In the first 6 weeks of trading on their new site, Out and About sales increased by 286%. To put this in context, there was 65% growth over the same period last year.
We ensured that the site felt like an eCommerce site by placing the products front and centre. We reorganised the menu to move the information pages down to the footer so that the product categories were the main focus.
The look and feel of the website is a seamless combination of heritage and modernity. Its sleek interface complements its stylish products and the Tuckwells brand’s firm roots in British agriculture. The colour palette and updated logo were inspired by the common pheasant, a distinguished feature of the English countryside.
Ibcos Gold is the leading stock management system in the agricultural and construction industries but despite being well established, it is often a challenge to integrate with WooCommerce sites. Our middleware allows the Out and About team to enter their stock information into Gold and see it reflected on their website, cutting down administration time significantly.

This agency delivered an excellent reboot for their client. They gave clear descriptions of the challenges they faced and solutions implemented to provide a significant upgrade.
Looking for an award winning eCommerce development team?
We’d love to discuss how we can support your next project. Whether you have tricky stock management software to integrate or big plans to improve your conversion rate. Take to us today to start achieving your goals.