
Reflections on the 2024 Summer BBQ

As a more recent addition to the team at This is Fever, I had only ever heard about the annual Fever BBQ, but not been around to attend one. But that’s all changed now…

When I got the invite I was expecting a little bit of food, some music, and a nice chat. I was not expecting the lengths that our Managing Director, Ben Green, goes to in order to put together such as brilliant event.

First of all, the food! There was more choice than I ever would have thought, especially considering that I am a vegetarian. I’ve spent far too many barbecues eating nothing but salad, but not this time. I was spoilt for choice, with vegetarian burgers, bowls of couscous, and more crisps than I could count.

Moving on from the food (although I could talk about it all day), another point to note was the music. The team-made playlist was spitting out one brilliant song after another. Not that I should have been surprised, considering the quality of the office playlists day-to-day.

Now for something that I couldn’t have guessed if you’d given me a hundred chances. Set up in the corner of the garden, away from the chairs and tables, was a virtual graffiti wall! We all got the chance to take a picture and then use the ‘spray cans’ to select different stickers, adding them into the mix and creating some very interesting final results.

Aside from all the entertainment that Ben had planned, there were also a few surprises along the way that really had the team cracking up. For example, I didn’t expect to spend quite so much time with my legs covered in wooden blocks, but that’s what happens when you sit too close to the giant Jenga tower when kids are playing.

From the food to the music and entertainment, there was something for everyone in attendance. The barbecue was a perfect example of why I love working at This is Fever, and I’m already looking forward to the next one!


Published by: Stanley Walton