
This is Fever branches out to London

Why did we choose London?

Our London client base has been steadily growing, as has our ambition for expansion, and these factors have led us to set up a remote office in London. We have connections with a range of clients based in London, including creative individuals such as Helen Bartlett, and consultants like the ABL Group. We also have relationships with global companies that have a London office, including McKinsey & Company and Lonza. This expansion is great for increasing our opportunities to meet in person with our existing London clients and allows us to provide support and guidance to even more London clients than we currently do.

Why is meeting in person important to us?

At This is Fever, we appreciate the opportunity to meet with our clients in person. We find that it helps to increase the speed at which we can get collaborative ideas flowing – plus there aren’t any dreaded connection issues when you meet in person! Also, after a long period where virtual meetings were the only option, we’re keen to meet in person whenever we can.

Rather than implementing a full-time presence in London, we’ll be using our Mayfair address as a base to provide a more convenient meeting spot for our London clients. You’ll still find us at our studio in Colchester as normal.

Here are some of the things that the team are most excited about visiting in London:

  • Hannah & Ben Green – The West End
  • Ben White – Bodean’s BBQ
  • Abi – Recreating Taylor Swift’s ‘London Boy’ journey
  • Jordi – Food and drink at Borough Market

So, what does this mean for This is Fever?

Overall, we’re looking forward to positioning ourselves as an alternative to traditional London agencies and seeing how big our Fever flame can grow.

The address of our London office is 45 Albemarle Street, 3rd Floor, London, W1S 4JL. If you’re London based and fancy a cuppa, why not get in touch?

Published by: Stanley Walton