
Our Penetration Testing (Pentest) service will help you to identify vulnerabilities in your websites and network infrastructure, to ensure that you stay one step ahead of the people who are ready to exploit them.

Is your data secure?

With global cyber crime increasing each year, website owners are under increased pressure to ensure that the private customer data that they hold, if kept securely.

This is especially important when running an ecommerce site, due to the increased risk presented by holding payment details and personally identifying customer information.

As a result of this, Penetration Testing (or Pen Testing), is a vital security measure that all companies should regularly undertake.

What is Pen Testing?

Penetration Testing is a method of checking whether a system or network infrastructure can be exploited in any way. This is often achieved by using the exact same techniques that are used by people when trying to gain access.

There are measures that site and network owners can take to reduce the risk of compromise; you can read our post on how to prevent a data breach.

However, the importance of testing regularly is to identify any potential security weaknesses that could be exploited, to ensure that these can be closed before a system is compromised.

How we can help?

Our Pen Testing Services:

To ensure that we’re conducting a full and comprehensive review, our expert developers will use their expertise and the latest tools available, to check both web and mobile applications, along with the network and infrastructure, to ensure that all security weaknesses are identified and reported.

Web and Mobile Applications

We would be able to identify common vulnerabilities that affect web applications – this consists of SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, server configuration issues, hidden files and directories, SQL injection vulnerabilities. We would also be able to explore and identify any security weaknesses in web applications such as Microsoft SharePoint.

Network & Infrastructure

Our Penetration Tests will check all IP addresses, URLs, and hostnames for networks and services that require authentication, to ensure that all passwords and credentials cannot easily be exploited. We also check all ports (UDP, TCP etc,) and subdomains (GitHub, Amazon S3 etc.) for any vulnerabilities that could be exploited or taken over.

What to expect

Following our Penetration Test, we provide a full report that details the vulnerabilities that we have found, along with detailed and actionable insights on how to improve these. We would also be able to provide proof of concept, should this be required, to demonstrate the vulnerability in detail.

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